The Administrative Support Team Holds Everything Together for 体育菠菜大平台’s CBT

发布:2023年12月5日上午12:00:00 CST

左起:史黛西、苏赛特、达琳和卡罗尔In order for any college to run efficiently, it takes a true team effort. 最大的菠菜的平台很幸运, 史黛西Darveau, 苏泽特普尔酒馆, 卡罗尔·科赫, 和达琳·桑多瓦尔已经掌握了团队合作的艺术. They mainly support the Business Division within the College of 商业及科技. 虽然他们在各自的岗位上都做得很出色, it is when they come together that the College of 商业及科技 is able to run like a well-oiled machine. 史黛西Darveau explains that all administrative support staff from the Business Division and Technology Division meet on a monthly basis which has caused their emphasis to shift away from individual business departments toward where they are now, 为一个共同的目标而共同努力.” This pivot has made all the difference for the College of 商业及科技.

On the business side of 体育菠菜大平台’s CBT, 史黛西Darveau works as Administrative Associate to Dean Tim Jares. 苏泽特普尔酒馆是博士的办公室助理. Kyle Luthans他是管理部门的主席. 卡罗尔·科赫 works as Office Associate to Dustin Favinger who is the Director of the MBA Program and 职业中心. 达琳·桑多瓦尔是博士的办公室助理. 弗兰克Tenkorang who is the Chair of the Accounting, Finance, and Economics Department. 

但这并不能说明全部情况. These ladies truly work together to create a cohesive team that makes the business side of the CBT run smoothly. 他们每个人都做得很好. 事实上, 苏泽特普尔酒馆 and Darlene Sandoval have picked up the duties for the vacated Office Associate position in the 市场营销, 农业综合企业, 和供应链管理部. All the ladies of the Administrative Support Team consider jumping in and getting things done for the college simply part of their job. Their selfless nature could not be more appreciated by both the faculty and the Students.

史黛西Darveau, whose position allows her to support the Dean and therefore the entire college, coordinates tasks with the other members of the Administrative Support Team. Although it falls within her job description to manage the budgets among other many tasks for the whole college, 她分享说,“没有这些女士,她的工作就无法完成。.” She is grateful for the “real friendships (that) have developed” and appreciates the way they all work together as a team. 在体育菠菜大平台工作了近24年, Darveau describes her time at the university as “a kind of family affair” since her husband, Dr. 斯科特·达沃(Scott Darveau)在附近工作,是体育菠菜大平台的化学教授之一.

苏泽特普尔酒馆, a former teacher, sees 体育菠菜大平台 as “a good fit for (her) family.她是这样一个人. Kyle Luthans describes as “always willing to go above and beyond her normal job duties.” Eppler has worked at the 内布拉斯加大学 at Kearney for the past six years.  Dr. Luthans shares that he appreciates her “high level of flexibility and adaptability.” Eppler feels like “every day is different” and is grateful that she gets to “work with a great group of faculty and staff.” Dr. Luthans echoes her sentiment as he describes her as someone who “does an excellent job of maintaining a positive work environment, 与Students和教师一起工作, and meeting and greeting visitors to the College of 商业及科技.” 

卡罗尔·科赫, who technically works part-time at 体育菠菜大平台, actually puts in a lot of full-time hours. Her work is crucial to support Students as they figure out how their strengths and weaknesses can help them to achieve their career goals. Although she was not hired to assist with the student-run coffee shop, 酿造觉醒, she spends a lot of time there doing just about everything required to keep it running. Koch describes herself as someone who has “been on campus for quite a few years.” She has spent the past eight years working in the College of 商业及科技 where she is indispensable to the faculty, Students, 以及行政支持小组的其他成员.

Darlene Sandoval describes her time at 体育菠菜大平台 as years that “have gone by really fast.” She has worked at the College of 商业及科技 for almost six years and shares that she “really enjoy(s) working with the faculty of all departments.她说他们“玩得很开心。.” Dr. 弗兰克Tenkorang, 谁是系主任, describes Sandoval as the person who serves as “the backbone of the AFE department.” He goes on to share that she “meticulously” manages budgets which ensures “financial orderliness.” He also is grateful for how she optimizes “class schedules to benefit Students and faculty.”

体育菠菜大平台’s CBT simply could not run as it does if it weren’t for these ladies of the Administrative Support Team. As 史黛西Darveau states, this team works with “the faculty members in their respective departments.当他们需要旅行时,“他们”会帮助他们, 如果课堂上有问题, (和)他们帮助采购必要的用品来协助教学.“但他们的工作并不止于此. Darveau explains that they also “assist in paying bills” and “help with course scheduling.” In short, they do everything needed to make everyone else’s jobs easier.

尽管他们所做的通常是在幕后, everyone at 体育菠菜大平台’s College of 商业及科技 is grateful for this great team of ladies. 在这充满感恩和喜悦的季节里, it seemed like the perfect time to tell each of them what a wonderful job they are doing and how much they mean to 体育菠菜大平台.  



Category: 商业及科技, 市场营销, 一般

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