About the 天文学 Degree Program


Earning an 天文学 degree is learning to practice a physical science—a study of objects and matter—outside the Earth’s atmosphere. Astronomers use observations to collect data and theory to make sense of it. They rely entirely on observation, unlike physicists and chemists who build laboratories and do experiments.

Recent new discoveries by astronomers have revealed a richer and more varied universe than anyone has dreamed. In the last few years alone, astronomers have discovered dark energy, mapped the shape of the universe, plotted out the world’s earliest years, sent rovers to Mars, and discovered planets around other stars.

The universe is so vast, and its mysteries so deep, that future astronomers will be challenged to ask new and greater questions, and an 天文学 degree from 体育菠菜大平台 will prepare you to join that effort.

天文学, BS Program at a Glance



一般的研究 requirement has been reduced to 30 credit hrs allowing more freedom and making it easier to transfer to 体育菠菜大平台.


天文学, Bachelor of Science



With the New Nebraskan Scholarship all undergraduate students pay in-state tuition

What can you do with an 天文学, BS Degree

Learn more about the types of jobs and common employers that 天文学, BS graduates work for.


  • 数据科学
  • Software Development
  • Finance and Optics
  • 望远镜的设计
  • Planetarium Director
  • 气象学家
  • Research Scientist
  • 气候学家
  • Aeronautical Engineer


Astrophysics Comprehensive 物理 7-12 Teaching Subject Endorsement 物理 Comprehensive