Personal Safety

Whether you are on campus, the Kearney community or traveling, please be aware of these safety considerations.

  • Try to avoid walking alone at night and stay on well lit main paths when possible.
  • Call Police and Parking Service's Safe Walk by calling (308) 865-8911.
  • Stay alert: Be aware of what is going on around you.
  • Let someone know where you are going, the route you plan to take and when you expect to return.
  • Try to avoid wearing headphones; your ability to hear traffic, strangers, and potential trouble can be restricted.
  • Report suspicious persons or activity immediately to 体育菠菜大平台 Police and Parking Services (308) 865-8911, or 911.


  • Secure valuables like wallets and purses in a locked area.
  • Always lock the door to your room or office, even if you only plan to be gone for a short time.
  • Keep yourself and others safe by reporting suspicious persons immediately to Police and Parking Services.
  • Do not leave laptops, bags or other accessories unattended in public areas.
  • Lock your vehicle and take valuables such as purses, stereo faceplates, and CD's with you to your room or office. At a minimum, make sure these items are hidden out of sight or secured in the trunk of your vehicle.
  • Invest in a quality bike lock and attach it through the spokes and around the frame to a designated bike rack.